
Showing posts from October, 2021


*MATUNGU FRAUDSTERS REGROUPING* The known fraudsters, armed robbers and swindlers, who had gone into hiding after the tragic death of two brothers from the same household, Amos Shiala and his brother Canaam, who died while working for one Anerico Maero, are shamelessly and slowly returning through Facebook and WhatsApp posts using another young person by the name Vincent Barasa AKA Saitoti wa Harambee and Peter Shitawa AKA Governor Brian .  Apparently, Saitoti and Brian are now the new trainees for the Mpesa theft they have planned in Ejinja, Mayoni, Matungu, Indangalasia Shopping center, Mirere, Ogalo, Shiakula, Koyonzo, Munami, Harambee, Makokhwe, Mumias town, Shibale, Sabatia Namulungu shopping centres etc..  They are now regrouping to mount another spate of robberies and MPESA fraud. It is now confirmed that they have started recruiting boys and girls to be used in the fraud.  I'm therefore asking young people around Mumias and Matungu not to be associated...