By Joel Eshikumo Fernandes Barasa who came on the political scene, marketed as monied and a shrewd manager determined to change the destiny of Kakamega for good, appears to be struggling today. Despite bagging the coveted Azimio ticket thru direct picking, Barasa is playing catch up to other candidates in the race to replace Outgoing Governor Oparanya. Insiders have pointed at several things that would be pulling the Azimio candidate back as his competitors including DAP-k 's Ayub Savula and Kenya Kwanza's duo of Honorable Cleophas Malala and Bonny Khalwale who are running riot across the county. DYNAMIC DUO: The union Between Honorables Malala and Khalwale is proving real danger to Barasa towards August. In what appears to be a well coordinated plot to fail his candidature, self righteous-appointed handlers are very strategic on how the candidate handles his matters. Observers have said Fernandes Barasa is spending most of his time in board room meetings wi...