Opinion. It's very unfortunate that the new Mumias investor, *has asked the Hyena to guard over, protect and negotiate on behalf of the goats.* Savula together with Kidero are the people who siphoned Mumias sugar to its knees and thereafter death. Those who have done psychology and body language, you can clearly see that Savula is excited and happy as he is about to start his siphoning again, and use Mumias sugar's revival as a political tool, yet we know who initiated the process. It should be on record that Savula is not a farmer, and if he is then it's maize but not sugarcane Someone should tell the incoming investor that, the people of sugarcane growing zone cannot be represented by *a maize farmer*(How now),and a person who has nothing to loose when, he literally ate our sugar factory to death, and he cared little because he had nothing to loose. *If the investors need representation, then we have our farmers, The farmers should be given the listening ear*.T...